Wednesdays: K-5th Mid-Week (school year)
Resumes September 4, 2024
Dinner: 6:00 PM (dinner menu)
Programs: 6:30-8:00PM

We offer 2 programs for elementary students.

  • WEBS (Wednesday Evening Bible Study) is for K-3rd graders. Students rotate to different stations, learning Bible stories from the Old and New Testaments in fun, interactive lessons.

  • Grapple is for 4th and 5th graders. Students stay in one classroom and each week “grapple” with a tough, faith-based question. The answer is always found in the Bible. Students learn that the Bible is relevant to their daily lives, discuss the topic as a class, and also have hands-on learning. In Grapple, students learn why Christians believe what we do and how to defend their faith while out in the world.

Contact Stephanie Dosher for more information.

Sundays: Kids’ Word Time
Sundays during the 9:30 & 11am services (beginning August 25, 2024)

Kids’ Word Time for K-5th begins Sunday, August 25th during the 9:30 & 11am services. Kids will be invited to hear a Bible lesson during the sermon time.

Contact Stephanie Dosher for more information.

Nursery Care: 6 months-4 years

Sundays: During the 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 services
Wednesdays (beginning Sept. 4, 2024): 6:00-8:00pm

We warmly welcome our youngest members and guests to Faith’s Nursery. Nursery care is open for children ages 6 months-4 years.

We are available on Sunday mornings during the 8:00, 9:30, and 11 am services. We are also open on Wednesday evenings (beginning 9/4/24) to free parents up to volunteer in programs, attend a Bible class, or join the church choir.

Children’s Choir: K-5th

Sundays (September-April): 10:30am

Children’s choir is open for all kindergarten through 5th grade students. Rehearsals are on Sunday mornings (September-April) at 10:30 am. Children’s Choir is taught by Faith’s Choir Director Helen Bielejec.

Children perform for the congregation once a month during the 9:30 service. Come join us and discover it’s not just about singing… children also learn to play the hand bells!

Rehearsals for Fall 2023 began on September 10th! Contact Helen for more information.