Your Mission & Service Ministry Team distributed Mission funds in December 2024 as follows:
$1,000.00 to Albuquerque Healthcare for the Homeless: Providing healthcare beyond walls with integrated healthcare that overcomes barriers for people experiencing homelessness. Programs include medical and dental clinics, pharmacy, outreach, social services, counseling services, and ArtStreet.
$1,000.00 to Lutheran World Relief: Delivers healthy food, clean water, medical supplies and safe shelter to God’s people who are suffering in East and West Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America. Your love will help your global neighbors see they are not forgotten.
$ 1,000.00 to Cuidando Los Ninos: Providing a vital lifeline - helping homeless families and children, who have been through unimaginable hardships find safety, healing & hope, and the chance to build a new beginning.
Standing Rock Seniors Receive Donations From The Mission & Service Team Members, The Quilters, and The Dorcas Needlework Group
Much needed items were donated by the Mission & Service Team Members to go to 6 men, 11 women and 10 children through the Senior Program Tse’ii Ahi’ (Standing Rock) about 13 miles from Crown Point. This included basics such as thermal shirts, underwear, socks, undershirts, tights/leggings, sweat shirts, and sweat pants for adults, and underwear, socks, pants, socks and gloves for children. The Quilters provided 15 beautiful quilts and 9 knitted stocking caps and 12 neck scarves were donated by The Dorcas Needlework Group.
There are no stores in this area, just a Chapter House and small Day School. Their Senior Center was closed due to an unsuitable building. Daily take out meals are served to seniors who make it to the Chapter House. A driver delivers meals to homebound seniors. If or when the Senior Center will reopen is unknown. At this time, one daily meal is the only service this program can provide.
Your donations of 250+ toys blessed many, many children through the Salvation Army distribution!
Meet the Children We Sponsor
Juan Daniel
Serving others with our time, talents and treasure … here in Albuquerque and across the world.
Meet our Mission Team
Back Row: Gwen Peterson, Karen Kainer, Ginni Webb, Donna Burnett, Mary Lou Crichton, Debbie Buterbaugh
Front Row: Jeri Riney, Beverly Caplis-Knirk, Vicki Aamodt, Mary Joyce May, Jan Lohrding
Not Pictured: Marcia Castillo, Peggy Kelly, Maureen Sill, Brenda Zepper